Please remember in prayer those who are unable to worship with us - the sick, the hospitalized, the home bound, elderly and nursing home residents and those in need of the comfort of prayer. Hold in your prayers our First Responders and the men and women of our Parish Family who are in the Military and especially:
Mary Agagliati
Davidson Alagno
Alicia Bingham
Barbara Brown
Anthony Brunetti
Edward Carroll, Jr.
Jan Cassidy
Joseph Crudo, Jr.
Renee D'Andrea
John Danko
Angela D'Nardo
Robert D'Nardo
Frank D’Orio
Victoria Klaff
Nora Fetcho
Elaina Flamini
Lauren Flamini
Parker G.
Deacon Joe Gagne
Marc Gangi
Alan Hendrickson
Bobby Hill
Rose Iacomacci
Rosa Longo
Blance Loparco
Daniel Maginnis
Barbara Moroson
Gary Normandin
Edith Orlando
Grace Parisi
Tony R.
Marjorie Rindos
Nancy Roberts
Pat Santone
Matteo S.
Danny Stinson
Kate Touringny
Condolina Vincenzi
Joseph Vincenzi
Sal Vizzio
Dennis White
Mary Beth Zwicharowski