Mass Intentions


Here is some helpful information to guide you when you request a Mass.


 ANNOUNCED MASSES : Offered for a particular intention on a specific date. They are announced at Mass and published in our weekly bulletin.


Stipend: Mass $10.00 each.  Payment by cash or check is collected at the time of request.


Please Note: By Papal Decree a Mass every weekend is to be said for the parishioners. 

DIVINE MERCY AND ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SANCTUARY CANDLE : The candle burns for 7 days in honor/memory of someone or a special intention for a particular month. The candles are to the left and right of the images of Divine Mercy and St. Michael the Archangel. The intention is published in our weekly bulletin. 


Stipend:  Sanctuary Candle: $10.00 each.  Payment by cash or check is collected at the time of request.


 SANCTUARY CANDLE NEAR THE TABERNACLE : The candle burns for one week in honor/memory of someone or a special intention for a particular month. The intention is published on the front cover of the weekly bulletin. 


Stipend:  Sanctuary Candle: $25.00.  Payment by cash or check is collected at the time of request.


Requests can be made by email at,  or by phone at (203)377-4863, or visiting the parish office during normal business hours.

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